FTJEF is an IRS 501 (c)(3) Non-Profit Organization
Founded March 22, 2021

The Founder

Cecelia Jones-Wilson, Founder and Chairperson

With limited resources, Frederick Theodore Jones has been committed to his children’s educational pursuit. Also, he has always shown genuine interest in assisting others achieve their educational goals. Realizing the sacrifices and love, demonstrated by their father, Cecelia and siblings feel blessed and are thankful to God for the opportunity to start this foundation in honor of their father, Frederick Theodore Jones. They envision that this foundation will be a blessing to students with financial challenges; assisting them achieve their educational goals and increase the opportunities for them to succeed.

The Foundation intends to financially assist students in Liberia, West Africa, where she was born; that will provide opportunities for them to become self-sufficient and open doors that never would have been possible. This financial assistance will help students stay in school and, hopefully, graduate. By doing so, they will learn to think critically, have a more positive outlook on life, and would want to give back to the community. She believes that students should be afforded the opportunity to a better life in the world around them and that education is the pathway to self-sufficiency.

Cecelia brings over 35 years of professional experience in the banking industry, local government, and animal health pharmaceuticals. She has a Bachelor of Business Administration Degree from Pace University in New York City and a Master of Information Technology from the American Continental University in Atlanta, Georgia. She currently works for Boehringer Ingelheim Animal Health USA, Inc as a Senior Business Analyst.

Cecelia enjoys studying scriptures, traveling, spending time with her family and exploring new opportunities.

To help make the goal of this foundation a reality, we ask for your prayers and financial donations.